Finding Stability

Man in blue suit smiles and leans against glass wall with blue outcropping.

As a kid, I dreamed of becoming an FBI agent. But after finishing high school, I realized that I needed to cultivate better discipline in my life, so I left college to join the U.S. Army. I became an Army counterintelligence special agent, keeping U.S. classified information safe. As a badged federal agent for over 20 years, I conducted sensitive investigations related to espionage, treason, sedition and terrorism.

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From Blackboard to Blueprint

Woman stands facing viewer smiling.

From substitute teaching to aerospace manufacturing, Traci Elliot’s career growth shows the power of the supportive, inclusive workplace she found at Northrop Grumman. “Be impactful, learn from smart people, and offer help — whatever form it takes,” she said. “That mentality has brought me here.”

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